
Monday 10 November 2014

Don't hug me I'm Scared

Don't hug me I'm scared is another short video that portrays itself similar to an educational video for children but has an element of creepiness that caters it more to adults. I talk about an animation here which has a similar style of portraying itself like an educational video but ends up being creepy.

  We will start of with DHMIS 1 which is all about creativity. This one starts off tamely and really does feel like a kids TV show. There is a few elements of bluntness which almost feels like a representation of the bluntness of life, but after a small segment where everything goes digital rather than puppets everything gets really dark with images of hearts and organs and death. The shock of this sudden transition is what freaks people out and that freaking of people out is what draws them back to it.

  With the second animation the directors realised that the shock value of the first will need to be topped and from the very beginning it keeps its bluntness and its shock value and only adds upon it. I think this part of DHMIS is my favorite.

  For the final part i feel they dropped the ball. I feel they swapped obvious bluntness and shock images for a more psychological feeling and i think the quality falls because of this. No doubt it is still entertaining but i really think the second one is better. I do like the cultish nature they introduce nearer the end but i would have prefered a bit more of a build up rather than a sudden plot switch.

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