
Wednesday 5 November 2014

Story Boarding Research 1: Pixar

With storyboarding there is a general layout on how they are set up, it has to be clear and it needs to tell the story the creator wants to portray accurately and clearly, however in the professional industry each technique varies from creator to creator. Over the next 5 blog posts i will explore a few of my favourite animators/animation studios and the way they go about storyboarding.

  First on the menu is pixar, and i found that they do their storyboarding a little different to the way we were shown in class. The first thing that caught my eye was just how expansive their storyboards are, they are put up on huge boards and the boards are arranged into scenes, i knew that often storyboarding was a huge amount of work but i had no idea it was this expansive.

 The second thing that i noticed was different was that each key frame didn't have any notes, so when the storyboard artist is running through it with his colleagues he explains the movement and often voices the characters themselves it also is quite an informal discussion as often the storyboard artist gets suggestions mid way through his presentation and often ties them in to the presentation.

The last thing i noticed was that the images used for the storyboards are often quite refined and with character designs and animation tests already under the animation teams belt, this hints that the story was already largely planned out before the storyboard was made which means that the storyboard may just be the formal solid plan for the story before it all goes ahead, rather than being the plan at the beginning it is more of the midpoint.

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