
Wednesday 5 November 2014

Story Boarding Research 2: Let me tell you about my boat

Another area of storyboarding i wanted to explore was the difference between animation storyboarding and film storyboarding, so naturally i turned to Wes Anderson as a lot of my favourite films are by him. While looking through a book on Anderson i found an interesting storyboard for a sequence in The Life Aquatic where he takes us through a boat showing us all the different rooms.

  With this story board as we can see there is a lot less drawing and a lot more note taking, furthermore the drawings are tiny and simple with no colour at all. However there is a lot more information on the technical aspects of making the shot work. This storyboard is simple and understandable without someone presenting it to you, however the lack of more key frames makes it harder to understand at the same time. These notes are obviously for Wes himself for example where it says "Do some sort of move to ogata's cake and life aquatic companion series" which to someone who does not know the film will have no idea, however these are key movements and phrases that help keep the director in the right space at the right time.

  The more i look at this plan the more i think it may no be a story board because of how little drawing there is and because the film is not animated in the particular sequence, however i wanted to talk about it, particularly as it contrasts so much to the way pixar storyboarding works.

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