
Wednesday 5 November 2014

Pixelation Act 2: Shooting and Editing

After storyboarding and planning my pixelation it was time for shooting, i decided to shoot it all in college as it provided me with a nice enough space for all my shots such as hallways and stairwells. A few issues i faced while shooting this included an actor not working quite the way i wanted him to as he was expecting the pixelation to be continuously shot whereas i wanted him to move from pose to pose. I was unable to fix this issue. However i also faced an issue mid way through shooting where i completely underestimated how many shots i would need to make the pixelation run smoothly and slow enough to tell the story. Annabeth brought this to my attention mid way through shooting scenes, meaning i had to go back and re shoot them. This wasnt that much of an issue however because i am quite pleased with the finished animation.

  Editing was super difficult, this was mostly due to me not realising there were resources available on estudio however i still feel that adobe premiere is going to take a lot of practice to get used to.

  Overall i'm quite proud of my Pixelation, the flickering from the lights is quite irritating but i was unsure of how to fix this without missing my deadline. But apart from that i feel my pixelation has been successful.

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