
Tuesday 4 November 2014

Flip-booking Act 2: Blood and Photoshop

With this flipbook we needed to explore arcs so i decided to keep the bouncing ball but i made it bounce on the floor and then the wall to practice with spacing, squash and stretch, easing and arcs. 
  I was quite proud of the outcome so i decided to add more shapes to it in order to practice with some secondary actions with the ears and tail and again i think this turned out quite nice as the ears bounce realistically. The tail could probably have used with a little more work as it would likely bounce more than it does.

  On friday we then also got taught how to make gifs in photoshop, so i scanned in the pages and made this animation. I then also played a little bit with a graphics tablet and added the blood effects.

  Overall i think this was quite a successful beginners animation, obviously it needs some work but i feel that it shows an understanding of a good amount of the 12 principles.

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