
Tuesday 9 May 2017

The speedy sequence

For the turnaround sequence i decided early on that i wanted it to be limited and rougher than the rest of the animation, where the car is going so fast that the colour has washed out of it, similar to that of the first at the beginning of One Punch Man's intro animation where his fist speeds up and becomes flaming, before finally getting washed out in black and while after breaking through a barrier.
This was the final animation, i kept the lines scruffy as i thought it would add to the idea of the world being altered due to the sheer speed and i thought it worked well.

One thing that does concern me however is the amount of people who keep telling me "i can't wait to see this scene finished" when in reality this is what i wanted the final scene to look like anyway, i will have to see if i can lead the previous shot into this so that it makes more sense, perhaps with the delivery car going so fast it opens a portal in a previous scene.

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