
Tuesday 9 May 2017

Cutting Down the Animatic

This is the Second (and final) cut of my animatic, Many scenes have been cut out/shortened and some have had new edits in order to give them more context or to give the same message as the longer scenes.

I cut out a majority of the initial delivery message with the delivery man getting up, while this would serve as a cool shot is in unnecessary to the story. While it would be a nice shot it is too much work. The rattling in the pod shot will serve as a good enough introduction to the main character.

I cut the crash landing scene as well as i definitely know i wont be able to do the crash justice and thought it would serve as a nice title shot.

I replaced a majority of the car shots including the Simpsons scene with one simple pan of a detailed dashboard, i thought it would serve as a simpler shot to animate while also keeping the details of the car. It would also mean that i can use this shot as a guide to the lay out of the other interior car scenes.

I swapped out the shot going through the roof to instead be a static shot of traffic with the characters who mug our delivery man sitting on the side of the road in order to introduce them slightly earlier and give the same message with an easier shot, I also changed the shot with the three muggers for them to approach the car and give them more of a reason to be antagonists for reasons that make sense.

Finally i cut out a lot of non essential shots from the delivery scene, while also giving the character who recieves the package to have a little more character, and make the gag a little more obvious that the man really cares about the rock that gets delivered to him despite the fact the horizon is littered with rocks.

I'm still unsure about this cut however i cant afford to waste more time figuring out the animatic otherwise i will end up with another COP disaster.

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