
Tuesday 9 May 2017

Reflecting on my Pitch

having experienced this project now i would have liked to have pitched differently. Hindsight is great for some areas an not for others, a lot of personal problems got in the way of this project unfortunately but those don't get accounted for when the module is marked so... If i knew then what i know now i would definitely have aimed for a much shorter animation. And while writing is an important skill i'd like to develop the focus was to heavy on meeting module requirements and so didn't get the chance to look at areas as much as i would have really liked to. I would much rather have worked on a project that was around 30 seconds to a minute long but with some really nice animation that could have gone in my showreel. Furthermore i've been focusing on effects animation for my latest scene and i am having a lot of fun making animation that looks fluid and clean and nice rather than the long but messy approach most of my animations already seem to be. Furthermore i would have liked to have dedicated at least half of this project to working with others on their project, as not only do i enjoy the change of subject but also it would be an excuse to piggy back off of the high quality off of other peoples work, whist also making my skills more versatile.

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