
Tuesday 9 May 2017

Reflecting on my Time Managment

My time managment has been abysmal for this project, but im really not sure what i expected. I had no idea how long to dedicate certain ammounts of time to which is why i neglected to make a gantt chart because i was so unsure how long it would take to make anything i felt it would distract me from my goal and the pressure of uni timetables is enough to unmotivate me without setting further timetables myself. While this does not mean i don't find a use for gantt charts (infact it helped me a lot with a project over summer) because i was so unsure how this project was going to go i didn't make one.

With regards to the amount of time i spend per day animating i definitely wasn't the best. There was a period over easter where i did no work and should have at least set myself a small task to do every day, however the week at Matter&Co gave me a bit of a taste for how much i should aim to work as a professional, and since then i have felt more confident with the amount of hours/work i put into most days.

Regardless i have a lot of work to do, and while there were a lot of times where i did no work, being at a similar level to a few other people on the course makes me feel slightly more confident about my abilities.

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