
Tuesday 9 May 2017

MORE Character Designs

Whilst developing the storyboard i was also working on character designs for all other characters that were going to be involved. I started with the old man, i knew i wanted him to be small so i initially started with small shapes, i also tried both friendly and unfriendly faces as i was still unsure the kind of character i want him to be.

In the end i decided i particularly liked the more square ones, some character designs i really liked but they didn't work for the project, i particularly like the version with the scarf and the one that looks like a bean, however i prefered the particularly rectangular one in the bottom right corner.

Next up was the character who gets the package. I knew i wanted him to be overweight but i was unsure of how to show it while keeping in style with the characters i have designed already. These first few i was ver unhappy with.

however after going back to the idea of using basic shapes and previous reference things started to come together.

Around this point i knew the kinds of shapes i was going to go for, very square with rounded edges (usually wider on the bottom half) with below being the rough designs for both the old man and the delivery recipient.

 The last character designs i needed to do were the three troublemakers, i started by doodling elements i thought were intimidating (whilst also trying to keep them quite cool looking)
 These three characters all came together at once, elements in the final characters were in development very early on, such as the use of one eye, big burly charaters and pointy faces.

I also noticed that i currently had no female characters, which while i don't see as a huge issue i thought it would be worth designing a woman character as well in order to keep the group diverse in shapes, i also knew a short character and burley character would look good, mostly because i had pretty much already designed the burley character.

 These were the final character designs, though the gas mask dude is much taller drawn here than i want him to be in the actual animation, overall i feel like i have kept the group diverse whilst also keeping to the same style as each other.

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