
Sunday 8 May 2016

Applied Animation 6: Audio Editing

Before we had picked the interviews we were going to use, i decided that since we had so much time i would go ahead and cut down most of the audio i had recorded so that when Greta comes back to the UK it will be easy for us to decide on which interviews to use if all of the best bits were there.

When it came to editing the audio some were easier than others, some had obvious points that were extremely funny, such as my dads audio which has a good bit about italian food, some were short enough to cut something together like my nephew, who didn't say much but what he did say was cute and funny. however some had no particularly good bits, or too many good bits such as my sisters interview that had nothing particularly funny stand out but was still a decent interview.

i used audacity as its a program i know how to use and it was as simple as cutting out long pauses, my questions, and umms and aas. I also tried to make sure all the audio was at a similar audio level by increasing the volume and judging the waveform, i didn't need to do this too much however because i forgot a pop filter for some of the interviews i just had to make sure they were at a good audio level.

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