
Sunday 8 May 2016

Applied Animation 17: Animating in Flash

Animating in flash was a very new and quite scary concept to me. I did use flash a little for PPP1 last year for the building breaking through the ground, but i wasn't very confident with it, and when i first began using flash for this project i wasn't very confident, and in turn made me less motivated. However once i got started i found flash to be quite fun, though there are still moments where i am unsure exactly what has gone wrong, i feel much more confident animating now i am around half way through the Ethan scene, and after getting used to vectors from colouring backgrounds. Though i am still unsure exactly how to animate symbols and tweening, the ability to select entire segments of a character by colour alone is a very nice touch, and i can definitely see me using flash again in the future.

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