
Wednesday 13 April 2016

Responsive: Evaluation

This module has definitely been enjoyable for me, on a personal level i have met some new people and achieved my own personal goals of producing work to be presented to people, which i initially was uncomfortable doing. I now feel a lot more comfortable collaborating with other people and allowing them to develop their own ideas and then work on them myself, or allow them to further develop my own ideas, which i was initially quite concerned about. This is largely due to the people i worked with, who were all extremely supportive, organised and talented, though this may be more detrimental for any form of collaboration in the future as i have not picked up the skills necessary for working with a partner i don't necessarily get along with. Working with other creatives from other courses has also had an additional benefit for me, it has made me a lot more confident in both my own abilities as an animator, and also my abilities to professionally show my work to both potential collaborators and clients, after emailing Leeds college of music, despite only having the need for one musician, it put me in contact with a lot of musicians who were interested in an animator working with them, and though initially I blew it by not selling myself enough, that will not be an issue i will face again.

  One aspect that I did struggle with myself was communication with regards to feedback and creative suggestions. There were multiple instances where I felt i was more unhelpful and just waffled until a different work partner stepped in to either explain what i meant or to help me snap out of some kind of loop. This is something that i will need to work on in the future, particularly if i want some kind of directorial roll in the future.

Overall i am incredibly satisfied with the work i have produced over this module, compared to previous work i have produced there is a definitely noticeable improvement, particularly with my frame by frame animation. This is largely due to my constantly improving drawing skills, but also my knowledge of techniques to speed up the animation process, for example in my Dark animation I animated the hands as they there was a lot of movement there, whereas the body simply had a few frames to repeat in order to give the illusion of movement. My passion is in dynamic frame by frame animation, particularly of that from japan, so despite not quite being at the point where i can create a dynamic samurai fight scene, my abilities of drawing perspective and more 3D environments and characters feels more improved.

I was also very happy to have picked up some new skill sets in this module, i now know premiere a little better, but the biggest skill i picked up would be 2D animating and rigging in After effects. Initially an animation with a program and technique i had never used before was incredibly daunting, but after educating myself and then practice i picked the skills necessary up very quickly and i now consider myself to be quite proficient with rigging in after effects. This has made me more confident with after effects, but it has also made me less put off by trying new software or techniques for important projects, a problem i have found myself facing in the past.

The brief i made the least progress on was the Onform one. Unfortunately i never put the effort in to really create something spectacular and noteworthy. Though i produced some nice gifs, they were far from anything extraordinary. If i could revisit this brief i would force myself to go into more detail with the drawings and gifs i produce, as i feel like details are often things i skip over when producing work. Also, my time management, though improving, could still use a bit of work, though facing personal hardships is something everyone has to deal with and take time off for every now and again, procrastination is not excusable, and regrettably, leaving the loopdeloop brief until the week before deadline is not a good working strategy, despite creating something quite high quality, with more time management i could have created something much better.

I've learnt a lot of things from this module, and i definitely feel i have improved as a professional animator, in both my confidence and my animating ability, and collaboration is definitely something i will continue to do and feel comfortable doing, long into my professional career.

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