
Sunday 8 May 2016

Applied Animation 19: Sound Design

I always enjoy adding ambient noise, its an area I can really push my creativity but without much effort needed, so i was very excited when Greta said i could do it. Compared to other projects i kept this one quite simple.

For the professors office i added some fire and a clock ticking in order to give the impression of elegance. It was quite hard because there was nothing in shot that would indicate it is giving off this sound, but i still feel that it works.

The least amount of sound was added to the cosmonaut scenes because space is silent, i did however take the liberty of adding a NASA beep noise (which i now know is called a quintar tone) at some of the starting points of the cosmonauts talking. I didn't add the beeps to every time they started and finished talking as it would be too much. I also added one at the very end which was a nice touch. While i remember i also made sure that each scenes audio faded in slightly before the animation begins in order to give a nice transition.

The sound i am most proud of finding and editing was that for the surgery. Finding a heart rate monitor was quite difficult, but eventually i found a royalty free download online, but i didn't feel like this was enough, so i attempted to find an oxygen mask sound effect, which i could not find, so in order to remedy this i downloaded the sound effects of a man breathing heavily, and simply slowed it down and lowered the pitch, giving the impression of breathing inside of a mask.

I always thing environmental audio is important, and i really feel this work has helped push our animation to a higher level.

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