
Wednesday 13 April 2016

Responsive: Collaborative Practice 9: Quick Fixes and Final Audio

Before everything could go together i had a few final jobs, i had to make the Ferris wheel spin, luckily this wasn't a big job, however Hattie had the original file, so i had to chase her up in order to get a cope where the carriages were on separate layers to the Ferris wheel scaffolding, then it was simple a case of parenting the carriages to the scaffolding, then make them rotate in the opposite direction after changing the anchor point so that they remain facing downwards. I thought it was going to be a much more difficult job than it actually was. 

I also had to make our seaweed forest sway. I had known about this job for a while but i kept putting it off as i wasn't sure exactly i was going to do it and i didn't want to animate every individual plant, but in order to do it quickly i simple used the bezier warp effect and animated it. I then duplicated this layer multiple times, but played around with the spacing, colour, and timing so that it wasn't as obvious it was just layered on top of itself multiple times. 

As i was in charge of putting together the final edit i had a lot of creative freedom when it came to the ambient sounds. I started by making sure that the lines of narration were nicely spaced with the video. Next up was ambient under water noise, this included a splash at the beginning and multiple sea life sounds such as whale calls and dolphin calls. I also added some ambient gym noise to the gym section, and some ambient theme park noise to the theme park section. I finally added some old projector flicker sound effects to the ident at the beginning because its all the fish used in the animation flicking very quickly.

Overall i am really happy with how this turned out, collaborating was a lot of fun and i cant wait to do it again!

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