
Wednesday 13 April 2016

Responsive: Collaborative Practice 8: The Script and recording

Having already developed some script so that Oscar could do a quick version of the voice over, making the final script was very easy. As we weren't too sure how good some lines sounded, we made sure to add some other variations so that i could easily remove any that sounded silly or if others sounded better. This was out script.

Hello there!

Here at the MSC, were in the business of fish (emphasise fish)

they account for a sixth of the world’s protein, which makes them pretty damn important!

So we make sure that our fish are strong and healthy.

good job fish.

[pause for transition]

We also work towards ensuring the survival of future generations of fish

That's why we built a theme park! Fun for all the family…

But why the theme park?

Well, A happy fish is a tasty fish

Who doesn't love theme parks

[pause for transition]
And, to make sure the ocean gets the respect it deserves

we make sure our fisheries are as eco friendly as possible!

The MSC is pretty great (will change)

  • That’s why MSC fish are miles better than ordinary fish
  • Choose MSC, because we’re pretty damn awesome
  • Trust where your fish is from by choosing fish with the blue MSC label.

  • Choose MSC, trust where your fish comes from.

after the script was finally finished we began recording narrators. We did this by first booking the sound booth, but we then went around our respective courses to find people we felt would work well as the narrator. In the end I found 3 people from animation to record, while Hattie found 3 from her course as well. Oscar did the recordings as he is best with audio equipment. We also recorded ourselves just so that we have more options for voice overs. In the end we went for one of the Graphic designers Hattie brought in named Chris, as we felt he had the best narrator voice. Other either pronounced words wrong, didnt come across as enthusiastic, or didnt have a clear speaking voice, and i felt that chris' recording was the way to go.

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