
Wednesday 18 March 2015

Visual Language 8: Environmental Storytelling 3: The Grand Budapest Hotel

I am a huge fan of Wes Anderson's style and the Grand Budapest Hotel is an accumulation of all the successful elements of Anderson's past movies all rolled into one. The Precision of his Camera work, set and costume design and acting are all evident throughout the film. Theres so much going on that i am having trouble where to start.
Wes mostly takes influence from old cinema for his social interactions in his films such as positioning of the actors and line delivery, furthermore the special effects of this film is supposed to emulate 50 year old filming and special effects techniques such as models and panted backdrops. This shows how despite no high end effects being used a successful film can still be created.
Colour is used a lot in the costume designs of characters, the antagonists of the film all wear black or otherwise very dark clothes whereas the neutral characters and protagonists all wear very bring clothing.

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