
Tuesday 17 March 2015

Visual Language 7: Environmental Storytelling 2: Dark Souls

Dark souls is a difficult game. It is a game where every move you make matters, and if you make a mistake, you die. So naturally, in a game where you need to weigh up your odds before taking on a certain environment you want as much information as possible. Dark Souls is fantastic at environmental storytelling, from the burn marks on the ground and charred corpses to hint at immanent danger to the corpses at the bottom of long drops to hint you might not come out alive of this one, dark souls is constantly giving you hints to the dangers. Not only this but there is an item in game that lets you write notes to come up in other players worlds for you to give them hints to treasure or perhaps bring their downfall.

Not only is the environmental storytelling fantastic at warning the player of danger, its also fantastic at giving us the lore. Like most successful storytelling techniques, none of the lore is completely out in the open, a lot of it is up for the player to decide their own theories on how certain events took place, how certain items get to certain places. A lot of difficult terrain in the land is a result of the fact that it was once ruled by giants, so a lot of the difficulties you have getting around the land is because you are a normal sized man in a giants world. This add more difficulty to the game but not in a bad way.

Since i have played dark souls i have followed a youtube channel called ENB or EpicNameBro (Link here) of whom plays through the game but also speculates every tiny bit of lore he comes across and would highly recommend watching to get more information on the vast lore of Dark Souls.

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