
Wednesday 11 March 2015

Visual Language 6: Environmental Storytelling 1: Limbo

Limbo is a videogame that uses environmental storytelling. Its an entirely monochrome game that uses parallax to show environments. Darkness and light are huge parts of this games style with the use of contrast to tell distance and importance of objects. The soundtrack is dark and ambient and often very quiet in order to convey the lonely and hopeless feeling that the game intends to convey.

The game uses simple hints to make the player aware of certain dangers, however many of these hints are not obvious and the player may have to die once or twice to fully understand the whole environment. In the above picture we can see how things in the environment give us clues as to what dangers or what parts of the environment need to be used in order to continue on your journey. We can see that something is magnetic with the symbol of a magnet to the side, and also with the light being pulled towards a noticeably different surface. This helps us work out that we need to attract the block at a certain point in order to continue.
Similarly in this image we can see the simple use of icons to show there there is an element of danger somewhere and we need to be careful.
In this image we can see a segment of the game where almost all vision of your surroundings is taken away. This part of the game makes you naturally uncomfortable because the telltale signs of danger have been taken away, making this segment a particularly tough one.

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