
Thursday 19 March 2015

Visual Language 15: Take 5 Feedback

As with a lot of crits my feedback was generally quite positive however i was thankful to get some more negative feedback this time in regards to each animation.
I started with sound 6. People liked the shake effect and thought it represented the sound well, but they didn't like the top line being so static. I wanted this to represent the slight background hiss but perhaps i needed to make it move a little more to represent it.

I then showed sound 12. People generally agreed that this one felt rushed and too messy, they thought the colours were fine but my line was too all over the place, furthermore they didn't like how the "rain" was all one layer. These thoughts were similar to that of my own.

I then showed sound 18. Everyone liked this animation and there wasn't much negative criticism given, however Mike voiced that he didn't like the glow effect along the right side but i am still adamant that it was the right way to go with it.

I then showed sound 33. Everyone thought my colours where on point but felt that there wasn't enough movement to represent the sound, and looking back i have to agree, two lines doesn't feel like enough to represent the sound. Mike also said that he didn't like how my line got a lot lot looser as the animation plays, and i agree that it has a negative effect on the animation, though i intended for the line to become a lot smoother it feels more like i began being lazy as time went on rather than an intentional part.

Finally i showed sound 43. I got one comment saying that they didn't like the moving square. I ignored this comment. I also got a comment on the quality of line for my meteorite like object being a bit too rough and wishing it would be smoother and i agreed with them.

I found this crit more useful than previous ones because of the less positive feedback. I hope to have a similar experience in later crits.

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