
Tuesday 17 March 2015

Visual Language 11: Take 5

For the take 5 brief i chose my 5 sounds. I chose sounds; 6, 12, 18, 33 and 43

I started by animating sound 18.
I animated this in after effects using some layers of lines i created in photoshop. I wanted to keep it quite mechanical looking but because i could hear the levels changing in the audio i wanted to change the levels of the lines in order to represent each layer of audio i heard. I also added some glow effects to further give the electronic mechanical feeling i wanted. Overall i am quite proud of this sound.

The next sound i animated with sound 33.
For this one i animated in photoshop as i thought the sound was a lot more natural so i wanted to keep my natural line in there. I picked out the colours because i thought they represented each sound the best and i wanted to keep a white background because of how little ambient background sound there was. After getting some feedback from Mike i realise that my line slowly loses the quality it started with which wasn't part of my plan and i don't think it adds anything to it so i will go back and change this at some point.

Next i animated sound 12.
i feel this was my least successful animation, this is because i rushed it and didn't put in as much effort to experiment with more than just a handful of layers. The thump noises at the beginning was how i imagined the sound but i felt the rain like sound after this was more layered and random however due to the fact i only used one layer it feels extremely two dimensional and not as dynamic as i wanted it.

After this i animated sound 6.
For this animation i am quite conflicted. The final animation was exactly how i had planned it out, however it feels extremely plain. I am unsure if i didn't animate the sound correctly or i just perceived it as a plain sound however the movement in the animation is exactly how i wanted to as the shapes shake as the sound buzzes when it hits a certain frequency but otherwise feels extremely plain.

And finally i animated sound 43.

For this animation i used a hybrid of photoshop animation for the circle movement and keyframes in after effects for the square. I regret my choice of background colour, though i did mean it to be quite drab i didnt want it to be as intense as the colour is on the final animation, furthermore i wish the curves of the circle movement were smoother so i will most probably go back and re do my line work, however i feel the sounds get represented in this animation.

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