
Wednesday 3 February 2016

Responsive: Collaborative Practice 2: The Battle Plan

This last Friday we had another responsive meeting, and it was a lot more successful than the last. After discussing the ideas we had developed from the last session we felt a lot more confident about the ideas we had, however after having a few drinks we came up with the winner of an idea that we all seemed happy to do, which would be to create a funny info-graphic animation, similar to that of the Aperture Science clips for Portal 2.

we also worked out how much work needed to be done and who would do each section, I visualised this with a weekly plan. We knew that me and oscar would most likely take a leading roll for most of the moving parts, and ensuring that designs are ok for animation, however Hattie and Tom are taking the leading roll with character/environment design with a little bit of input from us to ensure that it works well in the animation.

The main thing we need to focus on is the script, as that will be where most of the comedy comes through. 

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