
Sunday 7 February 2016

Applied Animation 1: Getting Started

After getting into our groups, of which my group consists of me and Greta, we determined what we would like to do for this project. We knew that we wanted to do something related to family, however we couldn't decide on what to specifically focus on, though we knew very quickly we wanted it to be interview based, similar to Creature Comforts format, only 2D instead of Stop Motion. We created Spider Diagrams for potential ideas which is shown below. 

Greta's original suggestion was doing a short documentary around euthanasia, but we decided that not only do we want to work on something more positive, but both of us are more comedy orientated and would produce better work if it was going to be an animation with humour. Similarly I had wanted to do something relating to war stories, however not only would this also be considerably upsetting, but we didn't have a huge amount of contacts we could go to for interviews on this topic.

We eventually decided after the weekend to think about it, do focus more on food and family tradition that comes with it. This was because we felt it would be something everyone could relate to, furthermore after considering that not everyone we interview would likely have something to say about our previous topics, everyone does eat, so everyone will have some standpoint on food.

After this we began work on a timetable for this project, and a series of interview questions we could ask.

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