
Sunday 7 February 2016

Applied Animation 3: The First Interview

Today i did my first interview, and i got a lot from it. I did the interview with my dad and i knew i would be comfortable trying something for the first time with him, and not only did i get a lot of good footage from him, but i also a lot of good advice. We found that most of my questions were closed, meaning that they could give one answer, or at least too short answers, rather than questions that give longer answers, usually starting with Who, What, When, Why, and How. Furthermore we discussed that we needed some easy introductory questions to get the interviewees prepared to think about and answer questions about a certain subject i.e. food.

Our original questions were;
What is your traditional family dinner?
What does the traditional family dinner mean to you?
Is it important?

I then went back and changed the questions so that it would work better in an interview.

Our redesigned questions were;
What is your favorite food?
Why is it your favorite food?
What would be your favorite food to eat with family?
What is your idea of the the traditional family dinner?
Can you tell me some nostalgic stories about food with family?
What is your perfect dinner? (Covering food, setting, and people)

I shall use these when i interview more family at the weekend.

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