
Thursday 28 January 2016

Responsive: Collaborative Practice 1: First/second meeting

I though for this blog post i would skip over the first time meeting my new partners for the project, as not much work was discussed, we mostly got to know one another. In our group we have Tom, an illustrator who i think will probably be the main focus of pre production, Oscar, animator and good friend, it will be interesting to see how we work together, i admire his work and work ethic, but being friends may make working together difficult, and Hattie, a graphic designer. Together we are doing the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) brief to make an animation informing an audience of people our age willing to try new things about what MSC does and how it helps the environment. We met, and then went our separate ways.

After this we organised a meeting to discuss what we wanted to produce for the brief, and after 2 hours of discussion we didn't really get anywhere with was disheartening. We had plenty of great ideas, we just couldn't settle on one. I will avoid being bitchy because its unprofessional and a habit that i need to get out of, but i did feel that some of the team were a little precious about certain ideas, and i feel like if we had picked an idea and then worked out the logistics of it after we would have been able to get a better start on it, i feel like i may be wrong in thinking this would be a good way of doing things however.

The ideas that some of us had were about an ad that didn't take itself too seriously and was visually interesting, this followed themes of giants in the sea, battles between galleons and modern day battleships, however none of these were developed very well.

We have agreed to go our separate ways and meet back up on Friday to discuss ideas again, in the mean time i plan to develop some new ideas, and flush out some of the original ones we had at the time. I hope we get an idea soon, i feel like we are a little late.

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