
Sunday 7 February 2016

Applied Animation 5: Descisions

Today we decided on the final interviews we'd use for the animation, we chose 5 clips from 4 interviewees with a focus on the funnier ones. We also have two clips that are less funny but are good interview clips.

First is an interview with my Granddad, i got a great clip of him talking about how the war influenced what he liked to eat. We weren't sure of what we wanted him to look like or his setting but we ended up choosing an old fisherman, this was because of his grimsby accent and his relaxed tone seemed similar to that of someone by the sea fishing. Of all of the designs chosen, i feel most unsure about this one, but i like the variation of age groups.

Next is my nephew, Ethan, who gave en extremely cute interview. For this we thought it would be funny to put him in a position of power, an our idea for him was to put him in an elegant office with a lot of mahogony wood and books etc, and make him out to be some kind of University professor. This will be funny because of the naivety of the interview contrasting with the setting. Once again we felt that having someone out of the usual age range would add some nice variety to our animation.

After this we have Greta's Parents, particularly her mum, talking about how she loves making food for a lot of people because its satisfying and you get a lot of compliments. Because the audio recorder that was used didn't record in very good quality, and because they're from Lithuania and have a strong eastern European accent we thought astronauts would work well, as it gives a reason for not so great audio quality if they're being recorded through some kind of intercom system, it seemed fitting as Russia had a very extensive space program, and the accents seemed quite similar, we also felt that it added to the fact that because they aren't speaking english and are from another country, being astronauts gives an obvious impression that these people are far away.

After this we have an interview with my brother, which he didn't take seriously but is none the less very funny. We thought because he talks about meat, and uses relatively graphic terms such as "carcass" and "life blood" we thought it would be funny to make him a surgeon being interviewed in an operating theatre. We went for this because we thought it'd be funny to make someone who is used to being inside people and handling bloody carcasses often talk about meat so passionately when it would most likely put a lot of people off. Furthermore the use of such terms in the interview contrasts with the usual scientific surgeon talk.

Lastly we have Greta's parents again as they have a nice moment where they talk about the interview process and mention having roast pork later. We decided to use this because we thought being aware of the interviews had a nice finish, but also because we thought it would be funny to have their roast pork fly out the airlock in the final seconds.

Next on the list is to create character designs and background designs for all of these scenes. Greta is doing the character design (very quickly might i add) so i shall focus on background design!

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