
Monday 18 January 2016

Responsive: Onform 2

I wanted to animate this weeks Onform. I felt like my idea for this weeks shape was good, but i feel like the actual work i produced wasn't so great. for this week I created a few individual elements and then animated them in after effects later, then, using the image sequence i turned it into a gif with photoshop. I am super happy with the little fish, i feel like his movement is very nice, and the light beams, though obviously brush strokes that could have been an easy fix, i was still very happy with them. I feel like i need to work on my line and shading though. Luckily the shapes only being able to be worked on for a week is definitely a win for me, as i won't focus on the issues i have with this shape, and simply use the methods i know do or don't work to better my future shapes.

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