
Wednesday 20 January 2016

Responsive: Onform 5

For this weeks onform i felt a bit of a rush to get my shape out, as i thought the idea i had for it was an obvious one, after a lengthy christmas holiday i felt a little bit rusty when i started this shape, however i persevered, and after a long frustrating battle i had the sleeping dragon shape, from here i decided to animate him breathing and the shape twinkling, as i experimented with drawing texture for the treasure and it just didn't work, so i thought the twinkling would show that its supposed to be shiny and valuable. The breathing was as simple as planning out the key frames of him with empty lungs, then full lungs, then as he empties them again. Though the line wiggles a little bit much for my liking, i am really happy with the result, i particularly like how he breathes out smoke and then it pops away, which i just did on a whim.

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