
Tuesday 8 December 2015

Digital 3D Potential and the Limitations 5: VIDEOGAMES

My personal favourite form of Digital animation is videogames. Not all videogames are 3D, but they are all digital, and even the simple ones often have an element of 3D in them. As a medium, videogames are huge, and the potential for storytelling is also huge, its a chance for the audience to become involved in the story, not just be an observer. It also opens up new avenues with storytelling, with different methods, for example, in open world games such as Fallout 3 or Skyrim, you can come and go as you please, the entire story can be changed by you and have maps 1000km by 1000km. This does mean a lot more work when animating, and a lot of limitations on texture quality and animation quality, just to fit it all onto one disk, but with the progression of hardware, quality of videogames are no longer limited by space as much.

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