
Tuesday 8 December 2015

Digital 3D Potential and the Limitations 2: Cost

With digital 3D animation, decent computer hardware is a must, particularly if the scene and/or characters are detailed, then the more intense it is going to be on your hardware. This can be quite expensive, with high end graphics cards being in the £400 area, for a machine that can render scenes quickly with minimal crashing you'd probably end up spending over £1000 on a decent rig. Compared to 2D animation which takes a lot less time to prepare and render, the hardware doesn't have to be as expensive.

Furthermore, most 3D animation program licenses are extremely expensive, for example a Maya license costs £3550, which is a lot more than your average pocket change. Luckily there are ways around this, such as blender, a free open source animation program which has all of the same capabilities as maya, though you would still need a decent computer to run it from.

Though the question of price is always an issue with most forms of animation, even pencils cost money, they certainly won't set you back as much as a brand new computer with maya.

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