
Tuesday 8 December 2015

Character and Narrative 13: Post Production and Audio

Now that we have animated, and finally finished rendering the animation, its time for post production. Katy has taken a leading roll for this part as she put the entire animation together, checked the timing, added a title and credits, and the underwater background, while i made the speech bubbles and added an animated filter to the underwater scene. After this we added our sound. Katy recorded some herself for the mermaid, and i found some computer sounds online for the robots speech (because the dial up noise i had already edited wasn't enough), I also had a look through the BBC sound library and the hanna barbera SFX collection that college has for ocean and underwater ambient noises, but Katy found some more appropriate sound effects online so we used those instead. This was by far the easiest section of this project, i could happily edit it all again. We did a final check with one of our peers, because we weren't sure about a certain sound bite at the end, which he approved of. Its nice to not be rendering on the day of submission again, our time management has been very good.

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