
Sunday 22 November 2015

Character and Narrative 11: Modeling and Rigging the Robot

This Robot has been giving me no end of trouble, when modeling the eyes i had trouble making them look inorganic, as the smoothing and unevenness of me inserting edge loops couldn't do it. This is when Matt showed me another technique using booleans to use one object to cut out another object, which looked so much better.

The difference in the model compared to Matt's tutorial model definitely was an added struggle for me. Because they were quite different i lost a lot of confidence, which in turn made me work less effectively. Furthermore i am not looking forward to getting to painting influence weights because of my character being completely mechanical i want almost all of the segments in the legs head and body to not stretch at all, which is very different to the smoothed out painting for the tutorial model. Before i even get to that though i have to get past joint orientation and constraints, which is something i have no idea how to do effectively.

I am very behind schedule and unsure how to progress currently.

I dislike Maya.

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