
Sunday 22 November 2015

Character and Narrative 10: Presentation and feedback

Today me and Katy gave our presentation. We showed all the work we had produced up to this point, unfortunately i didn't get to show some of my proof of concept work for the sea and the water caustics in maya due to a technical screw up on my part.

I got a lot of feedback that was useful, particularly with the water. Matt said that it would be best to set a deadline to decide on, and to look at some other examples of water such as the water in Pingu for the surface, which looks promising and when i have modelled the character and boat i will see how it looks. It was also suggested to look at The Deep by Pes for underwater effects, it has less caustics and more ocean particles. Matt also mentioned about my character design that i should have look at a wider range of examples, rather than just robots to also look at things like switches and metal bins. Finally Sara mentioned that she didn't think the characters fit together. She suggested that we should draw each others designs then swap back and forth till they look closer to each other. I wasn't sure how to feel about this advice because they will look similar because they will both be 3D but also they weren't supposed to look remotely similar in the first place. We did take this advice on board though and tried out drawing each others characters.

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