
Friday 14 October 2016

My Final Major Project Rationale

for my final major project i want to make an animation which really focuses on the narrative. By decision for this was developed over the summer but the final "i definitely want to do this for my FMP" decision came while researching for COP. In The Illusion of Life II there is a quote from from the creator of Astro Boy; Osamu Tezuka. Once when an animator asked about adding additional animation to a 3 second reaction shot that only consisted of one frame, he said; "Forget the movement ... If we have a really strong story, viewers will not care about movements" This quote really resonated with me.

Throughout second year i was incredibly passionate about the state of storytelling in the animation industry. I felt that many animations, particularly ones that i had seen or had been spoke about at animation festivals i had been to, though visually very compelling, had unstimulating story. Pixar is simply re releasing previous IPs rather than creating anything new to the standard of Pre Wall-e movies, and Laika are creating visually compelling films with weak stories.

For my FMP i want to create something entirely story focused, while using visual storytelling and shot framing to really push a compelling narrative. This will likely lead to a lesser animation quality to that of my peers, however this will likely mean that if a section is animated, its animated for a clear reason to push the narrative further.

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