
Thursday 3 March 2016

Responsive: Do it in 10: 4 Character Design

For character design i started off by developing the mask, i tried out a few designs, some more heavily influenced by my mood board than others. After drawing a few designs for the mask i went around and asked some of the people in my house which they preferred. A few people mentioned they liked aspects from all of them, so i tried to combine them into a design which ended up looking too asian when i wanted it to look african, and was also far too complicated. In the end I decided to go for the simplest and arguably most intimidating design.

 For the character i wanted to keep his body simple, i'm not the most confident at drawing people yet so the simpler the better for the most successful result. I wanted him to be skinny and kind of plain as his mask will all that is needed to give him character. It's a 10 second animation, there is no need for extreme background detail about him. I also gave him shorts, because a lot of metal heads wear shorts and they would be easy to draw.

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