
Saturday 5 March 2016

Responsive: Do it in 10: 5 Animation Begins

When i initially started animating I decided to start with the angler fish swimming in at the very beginning. Because i was a bit out of practice my initial animation was utter shit. Above was my timing and as you may be able to see, the movement was atrocious, so i re did it. I created a path for the image in after effects, exported as an image sequence (in PNG to maintain transparency) and then filled in some in-betweens as the fish turns around.

I went through a few iterations, each with changed timing and added in-betweens. I first started with three frames for the turn around, but this felt too sharp.

I added another in-between nearer the end to hopefully smooth the transition but i then felt that it was too slow for a fish that was supposed to be scared off.
I changed the timings and found i was happy with the movement and timing.
So i added his teeth and other details and my angler fish was finished.

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