
Thursday 16 October 2014

Story Boarding Act 3: Peer Review 13/10/14

So today, before we started on our next project (for which i have made another blog post), we had a quick peer review for everyones refined storyboards, i set myself a goal of leaving at least one constructive comment that was a little more negative and a positive comment for each storyboard as i found that as much as i enjoyed the praise i got for my first draught i wish i had more comments pointing out flaws in order to improve on next time, and you know how the saying goes; treat people how you want to be treat.

  These are the comments left on my storyboard;

  The mix between people liking my sketchiness and not is something that i can deal with, not everyone likes that particular style, but when people say its clear but then other comments say it isn't i feel it is a little jarring, furthermore i have no understanding what the comment saying "either use more colour or none at all" means or why the writer thought that'd be an effective way of improvement... maybe it'd be worth doing a peer review where i present it to the class and ask for comments in order to stimulate a discussion, for example how it isn't clear and how personally they would improve it etc etc, perhaps in the future i will organise a peer review for myself in this way.

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