
Tuesday 13 January 2015

Animation History 8: 3D Computer Generated Animation

The Next time we See 3D Computer generated animation was in Disney's Beauty and the Beast in 1991 for the ballroom dance scenes. From this point on 3D and 2D animation mixed together becomes a very common occurrence, particularly with disney with evidence in films such as Atlantis and treasure planet, and other media companies such as Warner Brothers with The Iron Giant.
By 1993 CGI in films was becoming quite common, one piece of evidence for this is Steven Spielberg's Jurassic Park. The first film to use CGI as a major use of animation. The film used a mix of animatronics for the close up scenes of dinosaurs and CGI for wide shots of the dinosaurs.
From this point onwards Computer Generated Animation becomes more commonplace in the film industry and by 1995 pixar developed the first fully computer animated feature film with toystory. Though a lot of work was still needed with human characters looking erie, computer generated animation would only become more commonplace and more refined and spread across the globe.

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